Quinta de Baixo (Manor house)

Rua da Quinta de Baixo, 2
3510-014 Viseu
Getting there (itinerary)

Geographical: 40º39'2'' N, 7º55'27'' W
Decimal (GPS): 40.650494,-7.924227
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Phone: (+351) 232.421.035
Fax: (+351) 232.421.739

Rooms: 5 |

Viseu: 19 hotels and other lodging
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Viseu has many interesting touristy and cultural points. As the district's capital, set on a plateau between a range of mountains where rivers like Paiva and Dão flow by, the town of Viseu is connected to the historic figure of Viriato, who, like Astérix, gave a good beatin' to the Romans.

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