Station Thérmale de Caldas de Aregos

Caldas de Aregos - 4660 Resende
Téléphone: (+351) 254.875.259

URL: Station Thérmale de Caldas de Aregos

Station Thérmale de Caldas de Aregos
Located by the river Douro, Termas das Caldas de Aregos thermal spa was mentioned since the 12th century for the quality of its waters, and was considered in the middle of the 20th century as one of Portugal's best.

Its healing power made Queen Mafalda to build an inn there, in 1102, the first of several subsequent similar facilities.

Recently municipalized, the present Balneário Rainha Dona Mafalda features modern equipment allowing the dispensing of the most recent techniques in thermal prevention and cure, in several health and well-being programmes, followed by professional health staff specialized in hidrology.

The attractions of Termas das Caldas de Aregos are not limited to the waters' benefits and their applications, being also characterized by the environment in which the thermal spa is set, in a large natural lake of the Douro.

It's also woth mentioning its extraordinarily beautiful setting, result of a perfect match between the river and the mountain and of the quaint town centre and its architecture, a reminder of the 1950's «golden age».

The hiperthermal waters, captured at 62 ºC, feature a 9.2 pH and are sulphureous and bicarbonated, and rich in sodium and fluor.

The thermal spa is open all year round, from 8 a.m.

to 9 p.m.

Therapeutic indications: rheumatologic illnesses, muscle and bone ilnesses, skin illnesses and recovery.

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