Hotel Avenida (**)

Avenida Alberto Sampaio, 1
3510-030 Viseu
Getting there (itinerary)

Geographical: 40º39'25'' N, 7º54'54'' W
Decimal (GPS): 40.657022,-7.914968
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Phone: (+351) 232.423.432
Fax: (+351) 232.435.643

Rooms: 29 |

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Hotel Avenida
The charming Hotel Avenida of simple elegance enjoys a central location, perfect for exploring the historical town with its museums and cathedral.

The surroundings are also rich in discoveries: why not explore the surrounding area with a guided walk or take a cruise on the magnificent Douro River? The more adventurous can go horse riding or even parachuting, and the staff will be happy to help with the arrangements.

Hotel Avenida
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Viseu: 19 hotels and other lodging
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Hotel Avenida Hotel Avenida
$$ (30 to 50 euros)

The charming Hotel Avenida of simple elegance enjoys a central location, perfect for exploring the historical town with its museums and cathedral.

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