Casa do Monte (Rural tourism) » Itinerary Ponta Delgada - Casa do Monte

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Map: Ponta Delgada-Casa do Monte

Itinerary Ponta Delgada-Casa do Monte

Distance and travel time

Rua d´Hermano de Medeiros e Câmara
Santo António de Além-Capelas
9545-410 Capelas
Getting there (itinerary)

Geographical: 37º51'1'' N, 25º42'10'' W
Decimal (GPS): 37.850222,-25.702879
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Phone: (+351) 296.298.144
Fax: (+351) 296.989.344

Rooms: 5 |

Ponta Delgada: 38 hotels and other lodging
Last minute deals
Hotel Açores Atlântico Hotel Açores Atlântico
Ponta Delgada
$$$$$ (>150 euros)

The modern Hotel Açores Atlântico, located just a few metres away from the beach, features stunning harbour views and offers a variety of services that ensure you a memorable stay.

Best deals

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